Tuesday 23 November 2010


Before starting the mixie I usually try to warn Raghav that something noisy is going to start, ans assure him that it's okay; he shouldn't get startled. But most of the time he's been okay with it, except that other day when he was sitting on his bouncy chair while Nalin and I made dinner, and I decided to grind some coffee in the mixie.

Because Raghav had seemed okay with the noise on earlier occasions, I decided not to warn him this time and started the mixie. Two seconds later I look back and I see his eyes tightly shut and a big wail just beginning to rush out of him. I immediately picked him up and hugged him. He stopped crying in a bit.

Sometimes he really doesn't want to interact with any of us. He had just woken up in the morning and was in my lap when Nalin came excitedly to him and tried to play with him, but Raghav jerked his head away and made sure Daddy understood he was in no mood to play yet.

When Nalin puts his face on his stomach and gurgles, Raghav lets out these tiny full-throated laughs. He has really started enjoying his exercises, massage and bath, and often rewards us with big smiles and little laughs. He doesn't even cry when the water is too hot, for instance. When we first put him in his tub and if the water is a little warm for him he draws his breath in fast but because we're there calms down in a bit.

He's usually great when he meets other people, cooing and calling out to them and trying to have a passionate conversation with them in his own language, but we had gone to Nalin's colleague's play day before and Raghav was at his best behaviour in the beginning, and had his milk and after a little protest went off to sleep in his pram, but he woke up after an hour or so and was irritated and cranky no matter what we did. We changed him and played with him and tried putting him to sleep again, but nothing worked and he kept crying and getting irritated. We finally decided to say our goodbyes and leave. He was happy then in his sling, wearing his snowsuit.

He loves roaming around in the sling, looking around with big round eyes till he falls asleep. He doesn't like to be in his pram when we're outside, probably because he can't see as much.

Raghav continues to protest when I put him to sleep in the day time, and cries as soon as I put him in his pram, probably because he knows he's being put to sleep, but now usually skips a feed or two at night and only wakes up in the morning around 6-7am. But nighttime sleeping is still great and he somehow knows that when the lights are out and Mamma, Daddy are in their bed too, it's time to stop mucking around and go to sleep.

When he's feeding he often stops to look around. Sometimes when he's looking around over my shoulder or trying to see what's behind him by craning his neck, he notices me and gives me a big grin and goes back to his milk again.

He is so happy when Daddy comes home and immediately awards him with a big smile. Yesterday I felt that having seen daddy constantly over the weekend he was missing him during the day yesterday.

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