Wednesday 27 April 2011

On holidays

At our hotel in Nice, Raghav is frolicking at 10pm.
Raghav has become incredibly curious. He doesn't rest his curiosity a second when he's awake. That obviously interferes with his sleep when he's outside of his usual routine. When we went to London a couple of weeks ago, Raghav refused to sleep whenever we were outside. He was just busy taking everything in.

When I knew he was really really tired, but still refusing to sleep in his stroller, I had to carry him in the sling and block his view by putting my stole on his head and over his eyes, so that he wouldn't be able to see everything and then just get bored and sleep. It worked each time.

We were staying at Divya's house in West Hampstead, and I had carried a travelling cot for Raghav to sleep in. We put in on the floor next to our bed and I put him to sleep and went outside into the livingroom where we were having beers. Before I knew it, Raghav was in the corridor, gleefully creeping towards us. He was so full of energy at 11pm, it was as if his day had just begun.

I tried to put him down to sleep two-three more times after that, but once he knew how to climb out of the cot, there was no stopping him. We finally decided to eat our dinner quickly and take him to bed with us.

He also became so social during the trip to London, calling everyone out "ae" "ae" and then smiling at them. He was super friendly with Divya's son, Neev, holding out his hand to touch his face. One time when Raghav tried to do that, Neev cried out to his mum, "Baby attack!"

With Madelaine in London, that's Raghav sleeping under the stole.
He was also super social on our flight back to Geneva. He was standing in Nalin's lap and kept calling out to the ladies who sat behind us. They played peek-a-boo with him, and he smiled and laughed throughout. When the flight took off, the ladies went back to their music or their books, but Raghav still wanted to play. He still kept calling out to them and trying to catch their attention. Nalin had to tell him not to disturb the nice ladies.

He was super curious even during our trip to Nice and to the French Riviera. We had a cot for him in the hotel room, but he thought it was a play pen, he kept turning round and round in it exploring everything. We had to finally put him to sleep in the bed between us, literally forcing him down so that he wouldn't start crawling away.

Twice, in fact, we thought he was finally fast asleep when he woke up and just started crawling again, trying to eat the computer I was working on next to him or creeping up to feel the bed headboard above his head.

He slept for two straight days when we got back from our holidays.

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